Saturday, October 11, 2014

Pen and Ink Drawings of Heads and Faces

  Inspired by Leonardo



 Even though I really, really Love sewing,  quilting,  jewelry making, house building,  dog tending, homestead planning and all else...
... it feels very nice to just sit at my desk every now and then and just play with ink and paper...

... and then I read this  quote by Walt Stanchfield,
“We all have 10,000 bad drawings in us. The sooner we get them out the better.”
Funny..   well for better or for worse, I had fun doing them.

Crosshatching and line drawings in my sketchbook, a few hands and feet thrown in for good measure, crow quill dip pen, India Ink, and Acrylic Artist Ink.

by Gwen Buchanan at Desideratum Art and Jewelry Studio, New Brunswick, Canada


  1. OH, such a great quote, Gwen. One to remind ourselves of every now & again!

    Love the drawings... Thanks for sharing your doodling today.

  2. Funny quote. I thought the drawings looked Leonardo Da Vinci-esque.

  3. Thanks Wildside and Guillaume, it is great to get a chance to immerse yourself in something completely different than what we were previously doing.. a change is good as a rest!

  4. Some great faces there, I don't think I will ever get that number out of bad sketches out so no hope of a good one

  5. Well you have certainly created some interesting characters and mostly of old men with hooked noses !

    Now what about evening up the score and portraying some old women please :)

  6. Penny you have gone far beyond... all of your work is stunning!

    Haha Mel, you mean, men with character!!
    and where's the old women you say?... it's not Halloween yet!

  7. Love your sketches. I am much more controlled in my work but 'let go' with colours so I envy your ability and freedom with lines and shading.

  8. I'm quite sure that you got your 10,000 bad drawings out by the age of three, Gwen. Your extraordinary sketches are no less amazing than those of Leonardo.

  9. Thank you Jane, I am the opposite.. deathly afraid of colors.. that is really an area I need to push myself into.

    Oh George, you are much too kind.. brings to mind memories of back in the days when our grandmother had us drawing on the backs of her saved envelopes from the same drawer that she kept her many balls of string..

  10. As always your sketches are amazing. I can't even draw a decent stick man. Good we all have different strengths, I guess.

  11. You are such a fabulous artist Gwen. I think you got your 10,000 bad drawings out a long, long time ago!

  12. Thanks Linda, Cathy, and Janice.. you girls are great. creativity comes in as many forms as there are living creatures on earth.. that is what makes it all so enjoyable.

  13. Gwen, I always enjoy looking in your sketchbook. These ARE very Leonardo-like, I love them. Like you, I enjoy many different creative outlets, but for me, a pencil and paper will always be the best. I just like to draw, it is very soothing with such little effort.

  14. Hi, Gwen. Lovely to visit all these faces ... Your ability to evoke character and emotion is extraordinary. xo

  15. You're right Jeri, Drawing lets a persons imagination free. best of luck at the Fairs.

    Hi Morna, so glad you visited. I think of you and your amazing creations often! xo

  16. Hi Gwen, thanks for your comment this AM. Thought I'd pay your blog a visit -- saw you list your son's art blog -- so popped in there too!

    So he's a chip off the ol' block as they say -- but that doesn't sound like the compliment to either of you I meant it to be!

    He's quite the artist and writes a bit like you do too.

  17. Thank you Wildside, Max will be glad to know you viewed it.
    I so enjoy seeing his perspective in art. He is very passionate about it. He breathes it.

  18. i love the quote, love love it - and your drawings are divine!

  19. Hi Sandy, That quote is pretty funny isn't it?
