Saturday, July 05, 2008


Always watchful,
never still...
Tabitha came to live on the hill...

A little black dog
with white on her chest
Tabitha jingled wherever she went..

A fun little dog
that stays by our side
and loves to chase waves rolling out with the tide...

.........Look Out Rabbit!!...where you are, she knows...
Where her nose does goes... goes her toes!!

I did this watercolor not long ago, of our dog, Tabitha.. sitting on a knoll behind our house.... at the time she was watching for a critter in the woodpile...

We were not sure what kind of dog Tabitha was when she came to live here... as she and our other 3 dogs are all second hand... the vet told us she was a Basenji cross.. and she does seem to have many of their characteristics... alert, intelligent, graceful, athletic, tireless, affectionate, demanding, energetic and curious... a tightly curled tail... to name a few.... and ..... I almost forgot... she likes to climb...

She has lived with us for about 3 years and we all hope for many more!!!

approx. 5" x 5" on 300 lb. CP Arches WC paper with some pen and ink


sandy said...

OMG this is wonderful, the poem and the painting!! She looks like a dog I could be happy having at my side, tripping me when I walk. What a cutie and loved the poem.

I want your house by the way.

Anet said...

Gwen, What a poet you are! Love it!!! Tabitha is so cute, and the watercolor is great!
We had a black dog with a white chest, our beloved Larkin. Noah's best friend! He passed away last fall. We sure miss him. He looked a lot like your Tabitha. :)

Gwen Buchanan said...

Thank you, Sandy, How did you know?!!.. that is exactly what you would be doing over Tabitha... tripping over her!!! Another of her favourite things to do is anticipate what you are about to do and try to do it first... the Silly thing!!
Hey I'd love to share my house with you!!

Thank you, Anet, I'm so sorry about your dog, Larkin. They do truly make themselves a dear part of the family... Do you think you may get another dog someday? I don't know what Max would do without his dogs...

He was pretty upset when Ziggy, our terri-poo (14 yrs. old) went missing last year.. He was almost blind and deaf and very slow... and as Ziggy was always too timid to ever go far, we think a fox that had been prowling the area sneaked up and took him right off the verandah... sad days for us and especially Max!

Sharon said...

Tabitha's a sweetie! Very sad about Ziggy. It's so hard not knowing.

laura said...

A beautiful painting--so full of love: yours and Tabitha's! I love the look on her face; and intelligent dog. And your narration is wonderful: simple, sincere--appropriate to the subject!

Gwen Buchanan said...

Thank you Sharon and Laura, Every time I go with the camera and point it at something the dogs think there must be something worth investigating there too...
pretty hard to take a picture 'round here without a dog in it...
Sharon, You must find it really tricky at your place with all the animals .. they must follow you around just out of curiosity!! Do you have animals Laura, that want to help?

Janice Thomson said...

This is so lovely Gwen - both the poem and the watercolor. What an awesome job you did with this!

ArtPropelled said...

Wow, Gwen! A very beautiful watercolour of Tabatha. You have captured a spark of intelligence in her eyes. I don't think much would get passed her.

Gwen Buchanan said...

You are too kind Janice. It was Fun!

You are right Robyn, If this dog misses anything... then it didn't happen...

Anet said...

Oh, so sad. Poor Max! I don't know what's harder, knowing or not knowing.
We are going without a dog for now. It's kind of nice to have our tiny back yard for our use right now. But I sure miss walking Larkin, I don't take as many walks as I use to.

Gwen Buchanan said...

Oh I wasn't thinking, Anet... it must be much more difficult to care for a dog in the city... I just open the door and let them go but you have to think of all of your neighbors as well.
...and you are right... dogs and walking go together!!!

William Evertson said...

Tabitha must be a wonderful sitter for these portraits.

Seth said...

This watercolor is one of my favorites of yours! And the poem is perfect!

Gwen Buchanan said...

Well Bill, Tabitha won't sit still that long.. but a combination of sitting and a photo seem to work..

Thank you Seth... BTW, I love the photos from your trip..

denise said...

I love it - both the watercolor and the poem. So much life.

Gwen Buchanan said...

Thanks Denise.. I just made your strawberry syrup.... Smells and tastes delicious... can't wait to have in on some pound cake!

J said...

where her nose does does her toes


We have a dog like that - a beagle. She lives to smell.

Ruth said...

Imagine being driven by your nose! Oh Tabitha is a cutie, and combined with the characteristics you listed, she is a treasure. Seeing the world through a dog's eyes, nose, ears, adds a whole new element to life, which I have not experienced much. We didn't have pets as kids because my dad didn't like animals in the house. Our kids had them though, so that was fun. It's hard to let them go though.

The painting is wonderful, you captured her sweetness.

woolydaisy said...

what a sweet pea!

Gwen Buchanan said...

Hey J, dogs are great aren't they!!


Hi Ruth welcome back! It is really hard to let them go... Our newest dog Gabi, 8 1/2 mo old, is at the Vets tonight after being spayed and it seems so much emptier without her.. They really become another vital member of the family...

I'm sorry you never had pets as a child...they are a friend when no one else is!
But I'm really glad you let your kids have the experience...

Gwen Buchanan said...

Thanks woolyD, She is a little princess that thinks she should be queen..
She is more delicate that I portrayed her in the painting... I'll try to capture that next time...

rivergardenstudio said...

What a sweet painting and poem about "Tabitha" She is lucky to have you, and you her, not to mention chasing the waves in your front yard! Roxanne

Ruth said...

You're right, animals connect with us, and we with them, through channels unlike the human ones. Interestingly, I've connected with other people's animals strongly over the years, usually momentarily, like the dog on the Metro in Paris that crawled to me inch by inch from his master. It was very strange, and everyone watched. I'll never forget him.

Gwen Buchanan said...

Thank you Roxanne, I do feel lucky!

Ruth, That is real animal magnetism!!