.sketches inspired by the stop-motion photography by Eadweard Muybridge, 1830 - 1904 .....
... my, my the things one learns when doing a little research... as I was looking up information on Muybridge's horse photography experiments, I found this.........
"In 1874, still living in the San Francisco Bay Area, Muybridge discovered that his wife had a lover, a Major Harry Larkyns. On 17 October, he sought out Larkyns; said, "Good evening, Major, my name is Muybridge and here is the answer to the letter you sent my wife"; he then killed the Major with a gunshot. "
...this incident obviously interrupted his photography work.......
.....yes, I know... I'm sketching and playing in my sketchbook and looking up things on Muybridge when I'm suppose to be working....... OK...... back to the workbench.