The Deer Fly...Chrysops spp, ... 3/8 - 5/8" long, black with yellowish-green markings on thorax and most of abdomen; wings have distinctive brownish-black pattern; Larva is yellowish-white or greenish with brown rings...
The old "Eve" story raises its ugly head when referring to the Deer Fly..........
...The Female of the species circles their intended victim before settling and immediately biting...
As only the females blade-like, mouth parts are adapted for cutting skin and taking blood from mammals and birds...
Where on the other hand, the sweet Male of the species does not bite... .. they merely drink from pools or flowers...... Ahhhhh!!! How adorable!!!
The habitat of these insects are worldwide in deciduous and mixed forests, meadows, roadsides and suburbs..... near running water and their victims...the mammals and birds of course...
Deer Flies like to pester us during the months of June, July and August... get ready... summers on its way!!!
approx. 2" x 4"....watercolor, ink, brush and pen on 140 lb CP Arches WC paper
Oh wow, what a great post. But I hate deer flies, poor things. Do both males and females bite US? Bless you for seeing and showing their beauty, Gwen.
Well at least this rap on the female is accurate, eh?
What a gorgeous painting Gwen! I love the hints of color but the absolutely most stunning part are the wings!!!! They look almost!
Your right, Ruth.
Deer flies are not anyones favorite.
Suppose that bruises their ego.. ? or makes them meaner... or bite harder?
Hey Sharon, This little nasty thing was fun to do!
Gwen, how great are you that you can bring out the beauty in a deer fly? What we do with out you???
I shutter to think...
This would be such a great conversational piece to have hanging on a wall!
That's (what WOULD we do without you?)
Deer flies seem so slow and clumsy. If they are biting, it is fairly easy to get them, but Ouch! You make them look glamorous.
This is first time I have thought a fly could be beautiful! Roxanne
Oh Anet, I was thinking a couple of them would make a pretty good snack for a small bird.. then the bird could take the rest of the afternoon off... and sleep... or maybe learn a newsong... or play with other birdlettes!!
hey Don maybe that's how mr. deerfly sees Mrs.Deerfly... kind of glamourous... when she gives him a flash of her wings!!
Thanks Roxanne... unless you're another fly ... and it is spring, you know??
Hi Gwen, followed you here from Anet's. Nice blog, nicer art! We're unschoolers also, in northeast Texas.
Hi Molly thanks for dropping over... We really love the freedom that teaching at home allows.. Glad you do too.
These are great!! I dislike flies buzzing around me but I sure like that bug art!! Great job on those paintings.
Thanks sandy, it doesn't "Bug" me too much to try to paint a bug... mostly the thoughts involved go round and round in my head sort of like them!!
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